Hi there! Nice to meet you! I’m Luciano. Thank you for stopping by and getting to know me a little better. Here is who I am:
If you have been looking for a San Diego Wedding Photographer, you probably have read the following cliché statements countless times on their About Page: “Photography has always been my true passion!” or “For as long as I remember, I had a camera in my hand…” Well, believe it or not, I did not grow up with a camera in my hand but I have always loved photography. The possibility of freezing time and preserving a moment, turning it into a memory forever has always spoken deeply to me. When I started studying photography, I did not have Wedding Photography in mind. However, during my journey towards becoming a professional photographer, fate led me to a transformative video on YouTube featuring the phenomenal wedding photographer, Joe Bussink. As I absorbed his work and felt his passion through the screen, something within me ignited. It was as if his love for wedding photography poured into my soul, leaving an indelible mark on my artistic spirit. From that moment on, I was driven by a profound desire to be part of people's lives and contribute to their happiness by documenting the extraordinary love stories and beautiful narratives that unfold on their wedding day.
I’m a true believer that the love a couple shares is like a small flame that has the power to brighten up even the gloomiest days. This love doesn't just stay between them—it spreads to their families, friends, and beyond. It's like a pebble creating ripples in a pond. When I see this love in action on the wedding day, I feel the urge to immediately capture it so, later down the road, when difficult times arise in that couple lives, they will have these images to hold onto and be reminded that their love is strong and more important than any difficulties they may face. I want them to grab their Wedding Album and use it as tool to fortify their relationship and overcome any challenges life presents to them. I believe energy is all there is and whatever you put out in the world, you somehow get back. I made my mission to send love to the world through my wedding photos and I believe I get to live in a better world because of that. That’s why I feel honored and privileged to capture these emotions on your wedding day.